The Netrinos 5-Minute Remote Connectivity Challenge

Securely connect two computers, anywhere in the world, in under 5 minutes by clicking next, next, next.

Prove Netrinos Works as Advertised

We're so confident in how simple Netrinos is, we're challenging you, the tech-savvy blogger, to try it yourself. No complex network setups, just two computers and the Internet.

The Scenario

  • Home Base: Your regular desktop or laptop, connected to your normal Wi-Fi or wired network. 
  • Remote Warrior: A second laptop tethered to your cell phone's hotspot (this simulates the trickiest "out in the field" connectivity).
  • Any two connections will do. But you need two different connections. Even two cell hotspots is fine.

The Challenge Instructions

Check the Requirements
1. Ready? Go!
2. Sign up for Netrinos
3. Install the Software
4. Login to Netrinos
5. Install Netrinos on the Other Computer
 6. What you are Seeing
7. Time to Test - Local Connecting to Cellular

How Long did it Take?

How fast did you do it? Did it work on the first try?

Why This Matters:

What You've Just Proven

Need Some Assistance?

For those less comfortable with basic networking concepts, or if you encounter any snags along the way, please contact, and we will get you sorted out.